As the 5th anniversary of the 2010 Haiti earthquake rolls around in a week and a half, the cover of yesterday’s USA Today gives a reminder of why we shouldn’t forget about Haiti in our efforts to love the most vulnerable. The articled entitled “Impoverished Haiti Still on Shaky Ground”, which can be read in its entirety here, highlights how thousands of Haitians are still living in tent cities even five years after the devastating earthquake.
Yes there have been billions of dollars poured in to Haiti, so what difference will World Relief make, the organization the January 10th Lansing for Haiti 5K Run/Walk proceeds go to? World Relief works on the grassroots level through local churches to find the most vulnerable and equip them with tools they need to get themselves out of extreme poverty. Tools like microloans, small loans which are given to grow an impoverished person’s business. This loan is then paid back and a larger loan is given. When that loan is paid, a larger loan is given. All with miniscule interest. The connection with the indigenous local churches provides the spiritual and relational support people in poverty need. This is all overseen by World Relief’s expert staff, the vast majority of whom are Haitian.
Click here for World Relief’s most recent Haiti Country Profile.
Come out to Great Lakes Christian College on January 10th at 2pm to run or walk in our “Lansing for Haiti 5K.” Register here for that. If you don’t live in the area, please join us in our “(Your City) For Haiti 5K” which you can do from anywhere and will be a lot of fun. Check out the details:
Want to walk or run in the January 10th Lansing for Haiti 5K but live too far away? Now you can join with us in supporting the most vulnerable in Haiti from wherever you are in the world. Register and donate here (all proceeds go to World Relief’s transformative work in Haiti), commit to running or walking 5 KM at 2PM ET on January 10th, and we will mail you a race shirt and a souvenir race bib. Let us know if your dog is participating with you so we can include their prize as well. We will also announce your city at the starting line of our Lansing for Haiti 5K. We hope you will post a photo of you doing your 5KM run/walk in your city to #MyCityForHaiti on Facebook and Twitter. Click here to register:…/YourCityforHaiti5KRunWalkfromAn…
Please share this with your friends, thanks!
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