What does the Bible say about the Sabbath? Why did God institute the Sabbath on the 7th day of his creation? Was he tired? Did he need a nap after all that creating? Of course not. So why in Genesis 2:2-3 does God rest from all of his work, blessing the day and making it […]
The Parts of the Bible I Don’t Like
There are lots of parts in the Bible I don’t like. And I’m not talking about sins I’d like to commit that the Bible tells me not to, that’s a different conversation. I’m talking parts of the Bible that make me cringe. Parts that don’t make sense to my 21st century American mind. Parts that […]
What does the Bible say about the Trinity?
What does the Bible say about the Trinity? The Best Way to Explain the Trinity The Trinity. How can such a core doctrine of the Christian faith be so confusing? And why does it even matter? The doctrine of the Trinity is the understanding that God is 1 essence and 3 persons (God the Father, […]
What does the Bible say about tithing and money?
What does the Bible say about tithing and money? Does Tithing Apply to New Testament Christians? It was a good week to skip church a couple weeks ago: the tithing sermon! Just kidding, of course, but it can certainly feel that way can’t it? Tithing (giving 10% of your income to the local church) […]
Can You Believe in Evolution & Be a Christian?
I was so sad after talking with someone in our ministry who had recently put their faith in Jesus and gotten baptized. I asked this person how their Bible study was going and they told me it wasn’t…because they didn’t believe anymore. I asked them why they didn’t believe and they told me it was […]
God is not Pro-Israel or Pro-America, He is Pro-God
Two Scripture passages jumped out at my from my sermon this past Sunday that go in the face of some popular thinking amongst American Christians. The first was Joshua 5:13-15. The Israelites have just entered the Promised Land after their 40 years of wandering and are preparing to do battle against the wicked civilizations within […]