A close adaptation of this will soon appear on Crossroads Church’s website. Feel free to copy and paste this and adapt it to the language of your church. Let’s not be Christians who only live out 1/2 the Gospel… The Whole Gospel Manifesto Crossroads Church is a multiethnic 7-year-old church plant committed to the whole […]
5 Men. 5 Stories. Overwhelming evidence of the power of Jesus.
I hear a lot of people say they won’t believe in Jesus unless they see him physically. As if they want him to appear in a hologram-like state and speak to them in a deep booming voice. I saw Jesus this past Sunday. He was obvious. I saw him when I heard these 5 stories: […]
Looking for acceptance, approval, to be desired & attractive?
Do you ever feel worthless? Do you ever seek people or things out to make you feel accepted, approved, or attractive? If you are anything like me, you do this quite often, without even realizing why you are doing it. I did a talk at MSU’s InterVarsity chapter tonight and it reminded me of the […]
Why Doesn’t God Make Himself More Obvious?
I just preached on John 6. This is the account where Jesus feeds around 20,000 people with only 5 loaves and 2 fish. What happens next is the people chase Jesus down. Imagine a throng of 20,000 people following you to your next destination! The people aren’t interested in putting their faith in Jesus though, […]
The Real Christmas Story & You
Two and a Half Men star calls show “Filth” – strikes out on video
If you haven’t already heard, Angus T. Jones, the “half” in the hit show Two and a Half Men has converted to being a Seventh Day Adventist and called the show he stars in “filth”. Here is a brief video clip, via Good Morning America, to get you up to speed: I watched Angus T. […]