Noah Filipiak interviews his faith hero Dr. John Perkins, focusing in on Dr. Perkins’ emphasis on the need for multi-ethnic churches in America as one of the top solutions to our race problems.
Podcast Interview with Youth Pastor David Singleton on Race, Urban Ministry
Episode #5 of “Behind the Curtain” Ministry Podcast is here! Youth pastor David Singleton and I talk about the different narratives of the white and black cultures and how this relates to the Church. We discuss the Baltimore riots, racial segregation in churches, the differences between suburban and urban youth ministry, and steps we can […]
Why the (White) Church Needs to Care About Eric Garner’s Death
Eric Garner, an unarmed African-American man, was choked to death by white police officers in New York City on July 17th. Yesterday a grand jury decided that no criminal charges would be brought against Daniel Pantaleo, the police officer who choked Garner to death. Garner was suspected of selling untaxed cigarettes. What is so unique […]
What To Do With Your White Privilege Besides Feel Bad About It
This is not a blog post to try to help white people understand what white privilege is and/or to persuade them to acknowledge it and do something about it. I did a blog post a few months ago that did that. It was helpful for many and received flak from others. I used the analogy […]
My faith hero John M. Perkins on Racism, Reconciliation & the Church
I had the privilege of attending a luncheon today featuring 84-year-old John M. Perkins, a man who tops my list of faith heroes. His autobiography Let Justice Roll Down is a must read and will transform you. Dr. Perkins was a key leader in the Civil Rights Movement, was tortured and almost killed in prison […]
Ferguson’s Michael Brown Reveals Problem + What We Can Do About it
By now everyone has most likely heard about the shooting and killing of unarmed 18-year-old African-American Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri on August 9, 2014. The story is intense and certainly a lot to digest. Stories like these can be tough to figure out because they often feel like a case of “he said, she […]