One of the most healthy spiritual disciplines for me is to regularly sit before a holy God during my prayer time. I use Exodus 9:9-25 and visualize myself sitting on the holy mountain as one of those original Israelites. I try to feel the emotion that comes with trying to comprehend the vast chasm between God’s holiness and my sinfulness. Then I turn my prayer and meditation time toward Colossians 1:22, Romans 8:15-17, and Matthew 3:16-17. The chasm of separation between me and God gets filled as the floodgates of Jesus’ love, grace, and mercy open. I can only unlock the riches of this gift if I first walk the path of understanding how much I don’t deserve it. When I begin to comprehend that I don’t deserve it, I can begin to experience how beautiful and amazing it is that I get to have it.
What Does the Bible Say About God’s Love for Me?
What Does the Bible Say About God’s Love for Me? In the gospel, you are: Loved (John 3:16) Qualified (Colossians 1:12) Righteous (Romans 3:21-22) Accepted (Romans 15:7) Complete (Colossians 2:10 NLT) Reconciled (Colossians 1:22) Holy (Colossians 1:22) Blameless (Colossians 1:22) Without Blemish (Colossians 1:22) Free (Galatians 5:1) Free from Accusation (Colossians 1:22) Forgiven (Colossians 2:13) […]
Moderate Muslims Are Closer to Jesus than to Muhammad
I have an ex-Muslim friend who must remain anonymous because of death threats he has received (he lives in my hometown of Lansing). My friend was born in Iran and was a Muslim for 23 years. He left Islam and became a follower of Jesus after seeing two things: 1. The Qur’an is full of […]
“Thousands of Mercies”
You created the earth and the sky and all that is within You make the earth quake The oceans crash And the mountains fall into the sea You created the behemoth With its mighty tail, huge teeth and legs like thunder You see when the mountain goat gives birth to her young You bring them […]
Trying to Grasp the Unending Mercy of God
Lord, help me to remember who you are and who I am. Help me to remember that I am dust. And that I am a broken sinner who deserves hell. And that you are the Alpha to the Omega, the Ancient of Days. You have always been here and you always will be. You are […]
You Can’t Have the New Testament Jesus without the Old Testament God
There’s a growing trend that Christians want to have the “nice”, “gracious”, and “loving” New Testament Jesus but reject the “wrathful”, “judgmental”, and “violent” Old Testament God.