The purpose of this survey is to ask Christian singles directly what it’s like to be single and a Christian in the Church today as a way of testing if the Church’s efforts to minister to singles is effective or not. The survey stops the ministry leadership cycle of assuming we know what singles think or neglecting them altogether, and going straight to the source.
The page you are currently on will be the demographic reference of “What does a Christian single look like?” for subsequent posts that break down and analyze the entire 21 question survey. These posts will include analysis of gay Christian singles, if Christian singles believe in saving sex until marriage or not, if singles feel valued or outcast, and if singles prefer being segmented off with other singles or being combined with families and married couples. At the end of the analysis posts, I will post all of the data on a .pdf for you to have for free.

Christian Singles Survey Statistics
Performed by Noah Filipiak & using SurveyMonkey.
504 Christian singles were surveyed in July and August 2015. Respondents had to answer “Are you a follower of Jesus (a professing Christian)?” Only the 504 “Yes” answers were kept for the survey results.
Age range of respondents:
Other demographic stats of research group:
154 Male (30.56%), 350 Female (69.44%)
45 have children (8.93%), 459 do not have children (91.07%)
45 have been previously married and divorced (8.95%), 458 have never been married (91.05%), 1 skipped the question
4 have been previously married and widowed (0.8%), 495 have not been widowed (99.2%), 5 skipped the question
487 (96.63%) are straight/heterosexual, 17 (3.37%) are LGBTQ (also checked if they best relate with the term “same sex attraction”)
454 (90.08%) attend church regularly, 50 (9.92%) do not attend church regularly
94 (18.65%) have a boyfriend or girlfriend, 410 (81.35%) do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend
Subscribe to the “Singleness” or “Church” category to receive analysis and commentary of the full 21 question survey as it gets published:
Read Post #2 now, “Research shows 45% of Christian singles feel outcast within the Church, 3% are LGBTQ”
Read Post #3 now, “Research shows 77% of Christian Singles are Waiting to Have Sex Until Marriage”
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