Listen below at or listen/subscribe on iTunes or Google Play. Episode 10 brings a special guest interview with Damon Seacott, who has chosen to live a life of singleness and celibacy. This is a great episode for singles to have someone to relate to, and great for married folks to learn how to be […]
What does the Bible say about singleness / being single?
What does the Bible say about singleness / being single? Stop Shaming Single Christians: The strand of three chords in Ecclesiastes has nothing to do with marriage I recently attended a wedding where the pastor used Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 as his text to describe marriage. “Two are better than one…If either of them falls down, one […]
The Best Ministry to Singles Has Nothing to do with Your Singles Ministry
There are tons of singles’ ministry resources out there for churches. Many large churches have a full-time pastor or director in charge of their singles ministry (sometimes called “College and Career” or another pseudonym). Effectively shepherding singles is a difficult tension. Singles often ask, “What do you have for me?” but the programmatic efforts to […]
Research shows 45% of Christian singles feel outcast within the Church, 3% are LGBTQ
3.37% of the Christian singles in your church are gay.* At least a recent research survey of 504 Christian singles indicates this (Click here for research demographics and controls). *3.37% checked the box indicating their sexual orientation as “LGBTQ (also check if you best relate with the term “same sex attraction”)” If same sex attraction […]
Research Statistics: 504 Christian Singles on Singleness in the Church
The purpose of this survey is to ask Christian singles directly what it’s like to be single and a Christian in the Church today as a way of testing if the Church’s efforts to minister to singles is effective or not. The survey stops the ministry leadership cycle of assuming we know what singles think […]
Is your singles ministry terrible? Can you help with this quick survey?
Church single folk: Is your church’s single ministry terrible? Church married folk and pastor folk: Do you have any idea if your single ministry is terrible or not? (you probably don’t) Can you fill out this survey if you are a single Christian (anyone who is unmarried)? It is completely anonymous. Can you also ask […]